This is a great, simple spirit level combined with a compass.
The rotation in horizontal position can be measured with the compass.
The precision of the compass depends on your sensor. Magnets and electric fields have a magnetic field and thus have an influence on the compass.
* Set your own layout color
* Three different display modes with spirit level and/or compass
* Easy calibration of the spirit level
* Angle with or without decimal place
* Visual feedback when angle is equal to 0° (optional)
* Swap x and y axis
* Choose between landscape and portrait mode
* Display can be kept active
* Application can be moved to SD card
To remove ads and to customize the visual feedback range, you can purchase 'Spirit Level & Compass Pro' in the Play Store.
'Internet and network access' are needed to show the ad. Therefore the application is for free. Read the privacy policy to get more information about advertisement and your data.
It would be nice if you would take the time to rate the app. Please write an email if you have any problems.
Ini adalah besar, waterpas sederhana dikombinasikan dengan kompas.
Rotasi di posisi horizontal dapat diukur dengan kompas.
Ketepatan kompas tergantung pada sensor Anda. Magnet dan medan listrik memiliki medan magnet dan dengan demikian memiliki pengaruh pada kompas.
* Atur warna tata letak Anda sendiri
* Tiga layar modus yang berbeda dengan tingkat semangat dan / atau kompas
* Kalibrasi Mudah tingkat semangat
* Angle dengan atau tanpa tempat desimal
* Umpan balik visual ketika sudut sama dengan 0 ° (opsional)
* Swap sumbu x dan y
* Pilih antara landscape dan modus potret
* Tampilan dapat disimpan aktif
* Aplikasi dapat dipindahkan ke kartu SD
Untuk menghapus iklan dan untuk menyesuaikan berbagai masukan visual, Anda dapat membeli 'Roh Tingkat & Compass Pro' di Play Store.
'Internet dan akses jaringan' yang diperlukan untuk menampilkan iklan. Oleh karena itu aplikasi ini secara gratis. Baca kebijakan privasi untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang iklan dan data Anda.
Akan lebih baik jika Anda akan meluangkan waktu untuk menilai aplikasi. Silahkan tulis email jika Anda memiliki masalah.
This is a great, simple spirit level combined with a compass.
The rotation in horizontal position can be measured with the compass.
The precision of the compass depends on your sensor. Magnets and electric fields have a magnetic field and thus have an influence on the compass.
* Set your own layout color
* Three different display modes with spirit level and/or compass
* Easy calibration of the spirit level
* Angle with or without decimal place
* Visual feedback when angle is equal to 0° (optional)
* Swap x and y axis
* Choose between landscape and portrait mode
* Display can be kept active
* Application can be moved to SD card
To remove ads and to customize the visual feedback range, you can purchase 'Spirit Level & Compass Pro' in the Play Store.
'Internet and network access' are needed to show the ad. Therefore the application is for free. Read the privacy policy to get more information about advertisement and your data.
It would be nice if you would take the time to rate the app. Please write an email if you have any problems.